• Link •
• Description •
http://1000lies.cjb.net - 1000lies.net | (mine: 1000lies.net) - This is one of my other sites, though it has been temporarily put on hold, as I do not have a server for it. |
http://www.Linux.org - Linux | (tech: Linux) - This is the web site for the Linux operating system. Linux is a probably the crappiest of the Unix-clone OS's, but it's still better than Windows. Lots of good tech support here too. |
http://www.litestep.net - Litestep | (tech: Windows) - Litestep is a really nice replacement for the Win95 and NT shell. Borrowing from both X-Windows and NeXTstep, Litestep allows a Windows user to design their entire desktop. |
http://astalavista.box.sk ASTALAVISTA.BOX.SK | (tech: Security/Hacks/Cracks/Warez) - Astlavista is THE best search engine for computer security related information. It is updated daily, and if you can't find a crack for a program in here, chances are you're never going to find it. |
http://www.rootshell.com - Rootshell | (tech: Computer Security) - Rootshell is probably the most famous source for exploits, DoS attacks, and hacking information that there is. Lots of useful information here, including archives of some famous hacked sites (rootshell.com is included in that). |
http://www.insecure.org - Insecure.org | (tech: Computer Security) - Another large collection of exploits and DoS attacks. Also: home of nmap port-mapping software. |
http://www.antionline.com - Anti-Online | (tech: Computer Security) - Yet ANOTHER good source of exploits and information. Lots of useful tools here too; loggers, word-lists, etc. |
http://www.thelondonsuede.com The London Suede | (music: The London Suede) - One of the greatest bands ever, and worth checking out. |
http://www.starla.org - Starla.org | (music: Smashing Pumpkins) - This is the best collection of Smashing Pumpkins sites. Continually updated, includes latest news and lots of very good links. |
http://www.smashingpumpkins.org/radio/ Smashing Pumpkins Radio | (music: Smashing Pumpkins, Real Audio) - Smashing Pumpkins Radio. Site with almost every Pumpkins available on Real Audio. |
http://www.macnet.com/home/nathan The Opression Tank | (friend: Nathan) - Quite a bit of stuff here, sound files, pictures, movie information. Check it out |
http://www.macnet.com/home/skuhn Planet Hippo | (friend: Steve) - Planet Hippo. Lots of information about movies here, plus the chatroom (see below). |
http://www.macnet.com/cgi-bin/nph-client Planet Hippo Chat | (chat: Webchat; McMinnville, Oregon) - Planet Hippo Chat, many regulars from McMinnville on here. Be warned though, the subject of discussion can sometimes get a little sick. |
http://members.tripod.com/~XLament/2.htm Kazaam! | (friend: Sam) There is some very interesting stuff here, so check it out. ;) |
http://sites.onlinemac.com/scrumm - HA! | (friend: Art) - Lotsa cool stuff here, music, incredible graphics, drawings, etc. |
http://www.angelfire.com/or/sweetinsane I Really Do Hate You All | (friend: Kelsey) - Cool site with poetry, pictures, funny shit. Worth checking out. |
http://members.tripod.com/~CoffeeShoppe The House | (friend: Tim) - Good site, poetry, art, very nice layout. Worth checking out. |
http://www.theonion.com - The Onion | The funniest damn thing anywhere on the net. |