Don't Start a Band/Kelly's Rant
by Kelly LaFaver

There are far too many aspiring young musicians in the world. One of these days, there will be no more music left to write. All the chord progressions will be used up, all the piano notes taken, every drum beat previously written, recorded and produced. We will all just be sitting on our butts with nothing to do but cover the really good stuff, like Pumpkins and Officer Negative. Everyone should stop trying to get famous and just take the time to listen to all the other people who actually write music because they have something important to say, not because they want to be like everyone else. If you were planning on "starting a band", please reconsider. You probably suck at it, anyway, and just want all your demented little friends to think you're cool because you got signed by a record company with two other groups who suck twice as bad as you. Go ahead and play your music. I'm not going to stop playing mine. But don't think for a minute that you're being original, and don't think you're ever going to be nearly as good as the groups you model your songs after. That's just plain stupid.

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