News Register forum closed MCMINNVILLE - Citing abusive behavior and supposed violations of "Community Standards," the News Register Forum, previously available at http://www.newsregister.com/community, was shut down Thursday (17.12.98) night during a heated debate over gay rights. Sparking the debate was a post by Yamhill County Commissioner Rob Johnstone likening gay marriage rights to beastiality (full text available here). Other participants included a surprising number of McMinnville High School Students (full list available here), who turned out in droves to express their opinions on this issue. The Forum was reopened the next day, with all previous messages erased, but the debate has continued.
Bruin prints attack on local student MCMINNVILLE - With what is perhaps the most cowardly piece of journalism ever found in The Bruin, sports editor Justin Keller lashed out against former Bruin staff member Sam Canfield after Canfield announced plans to start his own newspaper. 4 boxes takes issue with this attack on student initative, and urges you to read our full critique of Keller's malicious attack, available here. |